Sometimes I just want to focus on the music and not the software and that's when I end up back in Mixcraft. I'm 'trying' to make Sonar X3 Producer my regular day to day daw, but frequently it feels like piloting an aircraft carrier. Mixcraft is hands down the easiest to use imho. I've bought the 'pro' versions of FL Studio, Sonar X3 and Mixcraft. I don't think there's a better piano roll editor out there if that's important to you. If you're doing mostly pattern based stuff you might want to test drive FL Studio. In lurking various music forums over the years I've seen that lots of Samplitude users just love it. But I haven't tried a version of Samplitude yet and they have had a strong following (although I don't think in the US) for a long time. Yea, I like the Magix products I've bought, but have experienced bugginess with both of them. I removed power guitar and the Power Chords and drums played fine and I even added a synth just to see what would happen, and everything seemed to play fine, so I am thinking there is something wrong with Power Guitar or something. Putting each track in solo mode they played fine, just seems Power Guitar doesn't play wll with others. I was using it for a track and had a drum track and another Power Chords track and when I would try to play the song I was working on it began stuttering and making clicking sounds and things just weren't playing correctly when they were all going at the same time. One problem I have with Music maker, is there appears to be a bug with the Vita Power Guitar instrument. I am finding my way around it, still a lot to learn and mess around with. But if you've already bought MM Premium you might want to learn your way around it first. Demo as many as you can and see which you like best.

Originally posted by listener6:You can make "electronic music" in any daw.